

Lipidcare lowers LDL and enhances HDL. Lipidcare reduces the heart's workload by lowering the Heart Rate (HR) & Blood Pressure (BP). Lipidcare is a mild blood thinner & diuretic hence reduces workload on Heart.

Other benefits:
Lipidcare lowers the LDL. Enhances HDL.
Lipidcare reduces the heart's workload by lowering the Heart Rate (HR) & Blood Pressure (BP).
Lipidcare significantly reduces triglycerides.
Lipidcare has active antioxidants that protect the heart tissue.


Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna)

  • Inhibits hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis
  • Raises HDL & Lower LDL.
  • Increase fecal bile acid secretion
  • Reduces workload of the heat by lowering HR & BP

Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica))

Rich source of Vitamin C.

Has antioxidant properties that neutralizes free radicals

Prevents atherosclerosis

Tulsi (Ocimum sp.)

  • Reduces stress to keep heart healthy.
  • Rich in antioxidants & enhances immunity
  • Mild blood thinner and diuretic that reduces workload of the heart.

Harjor (Cissus Quadrangularis)

  • Lowers serum lipid levels
  • Specially reduces Triglycerides

60 vegetarian capsules

1-2 capsules with food and water twice a day for at least 1 month or as directed by your health care provider.

Price: 13 Euro