

Chyavanaprash is a mix of 41 powerful ayurvedic herbs with natural anti-oxidant 'amla'(gooseberry) as the base. It is effective in building resistance against diseases, especially in children. Acts as a cardiac stimulant and helps in smooth functioning of the heart. Purifies blood, eliminates toxins and invigorates the liver. Helps in speedy recovery during post-operative care and convalescence. Delays natural degeneration of cells, thereby preventing aging. A potent anti-oxidant which disarms free radicals.

Adults and children can take one tablespoon (15g) with milk/hot water twice daily.

Tvak, Pathra, Nagakesara, Vilwa, Agmimantha, Syonaka
Kashmarya, Patala, Bala, Saliparni, Prisniparni, Swadamshtra
Sringi, Thamalaki, Drakha, Jeevanthi, Pushkaramoola, Agaru, Harithaki
Guduchi, Ridhi, Jivaka, Edavaka, Sati, Mustha, Punarnava, Meda, Mudgaparni
Mashaparni, Chandana, Vidari, Vasa, Kakoli, Kakanasika, Utpala, Sukshmaila
Gajakrishna, Brihatidwaya, Pippali, Honey, Thugasheeri, Ghee, Thaila, Amalaki, Guda 


Contents: 500 gr

Price: 10,50 €